The Lore:
The Denver Immersive Gathering is the immersive networking event of the year. In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Denver has emerged as a hot spot of the immersive scene, and is a world center of immersive innovation! For the first ever Denver Immersive Gathering, ALT was asked to help brand and contribute to the bonfire of immersion blazing in Denver!
What do caves, cathedrals, cafes and carnivals all have in common? They’re immersive entertainment, a category that seems only recently defined, but can be traced back to the earliest stages of human evolution. Join Jake Rosenberg, the Producer of Special Projects at American Lore Theater, as we discuss and debate the past and present of leading immersive theories, and explore how mighty historical trends of building, dwelling and thinking have delivered us to the first Denver Immersive Gathering, the next chapter in immersive media. We will explore an overview of human survival and adaptation, and its relationship to the emergence of entertainment. From there, we will explore how world religions have adapted space to tell multi-media stories, and how the march of world cultures across the Wild West proved to be the seminal turning point in immersive’s history. Who knows, perhaps we’ll get as far as 2022…and beyond! Won’t you join us, bring your best ideas, and speak with your fellow DIGGERS?
ALt's Partnership:
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We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to preserve, protect and perform folklore. Please join with us!